alias Vilanova Miguel "Botafogo" Concierto de Enrique Goyo J'accuse, by Miguel Vilanova.
Yo, Don Vilanova, better known as Botafogo, in honor of my forty years of path along the rock and the blues and my music education books that have influenced generations of musicians, many of which are now part of the most valuable of the current rock scene, claimed responsibility and blame for the death of one hundred ninety-eight people in Cro-Magnon skull crushed and Ruben Velez, record companies, media, radio and television, managers and representatives , which were broadcast groups composed of pseudo fucking horrible musicians and sons of bitches who from their songs and talk about scenarios that all is well with uncontrolled, self-destruction with the "market", the "paco", alcohol, psychotropic drugs ... They SADAIC charge money, royalties from the sale of his records, money into their shows ... you can steal a remis in Rosario and enter through a gate of the police station, signing an autograph to the commissioner and out the back door as if nothing serious have happened ... You can go on stage with a joint dangling from his lips paco an example for his followers who are not covered by SADAIC, by a record company Label, which do not have a social work such as that of SADEM SADAIC or who do not have a manager that is going to seek a good lawyer ... they are very unfair, very cynical, and too little aware of what you are doing ... are guilty and complicit in these tragedies!
Did you watch the embarrassment of Pity "singing" (screeching out of tune) with Fito Paez? ... What the hell is that?!
¡¡¡¡¡ That is pure bullshit !!!!! However
enjoys the approval and dissemination and the favors of those who accuse
above ... And the Streets? What is this crap ?!... Why spread this shit can not even be considered bad music?!
support recently asked the Czar of rock and pop Buenos Aires for a show begging for a little media and received a response:
- "I do not care because you played with Petinatto" - ¡¡¡¿¿¿ "?! !
I in my songs speak of love, dreams, stars, the links, of introspection, of atoms, magic and mystery of life, to fly with your mind, imagine a world better ... and I have to go begging for a little media ...
If you diffuse Pity, the Streets, and a lot of groups that fall line that all is well with the burst, although some of them send their children while at school of priests "?! and hold Nazi symbols and motifs of scenery, ... you are accomplices to spread the consumption of paco, market, alcohol ... which side are you? ... What you gain with this? ... What interests are favoring dark?
I belong to the generation of kids influenced by Almendra, Manal, Pappo's Blues, Fish Berserker, Invisible, Coven, Arco Iris, Vox Dei, Los Gatos, The Heavy Rock and Roll, etc.., Etc., Etc. ... .. I felt like being a musician and to change the course of my life to something better than mediocrity in those days. I showed that among black and white "Argentina to the bottom" was a beautiful rainbow ... I never talked about drugs, but of awakening ...
Thanks to them for forty years I earn an honest living as a musician, thanks to they evolve as a human being, intellectually, psychologically, spiritually, emotionally.
imported cars and homes of the "countries" where they live these "King Midas of rock, were purchased by the Argentine rock became the cornerstone of this business but it seems not to remember. As mentioned above, their wallets are lined with the "skin of the musicians" ...
pibada Many of today is disheartened, confused, frustrated, without illusions, without dreams, without possibilities, does not believe in a future and much worse, they are very angry!
is our obligation, it is your duty, tell them about a better world is possible, which should take care of your brain on drugs and alcohol, because the brain is the temple of the soul is a mysterious gift of the creative universe that we contact the music, good music. I would appreciate
distributing at least this claim not is only a personal capacity.
Don Vilanova, alias Botafogo.
Signature: Miguel Angel Vilanova
ID: 11,956,658
Mat. Prof. of Music: N ° 4. Argentina granted by the Company of Musicians.