HEROES OR VILLAINS An article by Jorge Rachid
The electoral processes often lead to a practice demo-axis displacement of politics, understood as the permanent interests of the people and the country, into the spaces of power in dispute, requiring other methods of electoral engineering, system of alliances and speeches emotionally charged in an armed response marketer according to sociological survey, rather than one's convictions. So
emerging candidates that come to those produced by fleeting fames media events, from actors to ministers, public figures of political activists, social entrepreneurs representatives, all in mixing carousel floods the streets and screens, with forced smiles, bright teeth, gimmicky slogans, innovative proposals sent missile ramp on a recipient population that plays the way the different messages.
Building grassroots social policy in Argentina, the membership as a life project, the dedication and commitment by the willingness to cooperate in forging a more just society, not part of the electoral baggage, but are crucial elements to in defending the political process because they are those who can win the street, to express the identification of the enemy or the enemy from the massive popular heat. Without a doubt are the organized sectors of militancy social or political accumulating those points most important for the defense of the roads open at this stage of the country where a project is being strengthened and developed in the collective consciousness of the people, giving a long struggle against neoliberalism dominant culture for so many decades in our country.
Hence the importance of marking the one hand the need to strengthen national and popular movement in Argentina, beyond the election avatars that contains personal or sectoral interests. The important thing is exclusive and no doubt the continuity of the path initiated in the state, human rights policy, labor and social order, social policies inclusive without intermediaries rebels, the legislative assembly of restoring the dignity of man especially in the labor laws, the systematic implementation of countercyclical policies in favor of the underdog, support for SMEs and the public pension system recovery, strengthening MERCOSUR AND UNASUR as a reference Argentina's growth, among other things long to enumerate. Without this specific purpose fulfilled, no election on the grid is important.
In this scenario before I would a call to reflection about the proliferation of voices that stigmatize peers is always thankless task of political positioning. The tools are slander, the past, the alignments to the friends and the historical experiences of each. Suddenly we are all pristine, ahistorical, especially the Peronist always seem to have made the consistency our main virtue, without fainting or lameness. Nobody ever got together with the outcasts of today, nor was it part of any applause for neoliberal consolidation processes that destroyed in the name of an alleged pragmatism, the social construction and production by hand decades of Peronism. Nothing further from the truth because no one resists files from a tumultuous political process and colonizer, where there was shelter and capitulations. We know all who wage war and pretend we do not undermine the elections by a political process of human misery that accompanies the Argentine people. Peronism
Since the non-functioning of organizational structures prevented the necessary synthesis of our immediate historical past, from 73 onwards with its attendant suffering and death, genocide and social fragmentation of the social, political and institutional Argentina. Our own mistakes, neoliberal claudication 90, the consolidation of characters required in the electoral appearance but politically reprehensible-doctrinaire, handling spurious and questionable conduct with which we have no reason to live if we aspire to a better country. No steps are devious and evil to justify virtuous goals. How you walk and how to build the results obtained in the long term. Corruption is functional savage capitalism to Social Justice, building bully and consolidates perk crime and destroying the device militancy, as extortion money on need, is a worthless tool who is said Peronist, discrimination, xenophobia and contempt for others are behaviors antithetical to a commitment to the people who must fly the political militancy.
may seem utopian to retrieve the values \u200b\u200bthat make the commitment, it is essential to connect with younger generations tirelessly seeking a different horizon of this reality described, using this mechanism of solidarity as a fundamental tool accompanied from music as a convener, with lyrics that are real cries of hope, sometimes pain and also claims to a company who has lived cultured in consumerism, individualism and social indifference in the Diaspora neoliberal. Youth develop supportive systems outside the political armed accompany the process initiated in 2003 because we recognize offender, was moved by the historical recovery of enslaved human rights by the military dictatorship. It is unthinkable reverse recovery memory, truth and justice. About
accompany from the doctrinaire social and military political process, we should not lose or give up critical thinking on those elements of political, particularly in social, urgently demanded in an inclusive society, as the Peronist we have a reason to continue to exist that is our commitment to the needy, the dispossessed and the poor workers of our country and even more with the most dire consequences of expulsive neoliberal policies, which accounted structurally humility where there was poverty, unemployment where there Work and life expectancy broken where be thought of upward social mobility. Social effects of two or three generations out of work are the hardest nut to crack bones from power in the cultural and economic struggle. Fix this situation is the responsibility of the entire Argentine people and Peronism in particular.
Argentine workers without exception know what has caused this process of national recovery, beyond Enlightenment pedagogical elaborations. They know because they have proven that beyond the wage share has recovered dignity overwhelmed by work flexibility and the market as a social computer. In addition, because the Constitution and their rights began to be respected as the joint, the minimum wage, profit sharing in the project, working conditions and basic human rights behind by economic logic, which for years dominated the national scene, placing as an adjustment variable for workers, social security , pensioners and all those areas liable to be violated by the colonizers.
Thus the alleged villains in government today are the heroes of tomorrow, as we have lived the Argentines whenever the hegemon stigmatized popular processes. The historical process that opened in 2003 even with flaws, mistakes and errors is the best we have had democratic Argentina and Peronism. They may criticize some political axes, conductive forms, decision making, but it is undeniable that makes it vital to Peronism work as cultural and political hub of our country. When work expands the hidden powers shrink, when workers are shrinking margins protagonists business lobby, when power attacking opponents talking about democratization of dictatorship. They did and went with Peron killing blood and fire, they had to Irigoyen, came before the British and French ships carried the Roses Mesopotamia to face even at the expense of national amputation, as proposed for the same purpose Sarmiento from Chile in this exile, delivered to the Chilean Patagonia to weaken the Restorer.
travel now denouncing foreign embassies legal uncertainty, they encourage Vulture Funds for embargoes against Cuba, are entitled fallacies in the media against the Argentine international prominence, are forecast economic catastrophes as occurring in 2009, which of course did not occur . Ultimately have serious villains have no qualms about working against national interests for a share of power, but even in the electoral process. No limits and fan using in the media who use them, reaching offensive euphemisms institutions. The Peronist know that, as a start and we know how it ends, unless the organized will of the Argentine people in democracy and peace put things in place, with a vote and active participation in the recovery of politics as a tool transformation of the people. JORGE
CABA, 05/01/1911