Shame, is all we are not? Much pocket full and little idea of \u200b\u200bplaying football, continue with the idea that a 150 cm target player headed goals against the best defenders in South America, there is something wrong, what is? These guys really cause me outrage, traveling at best, live like Arab oil Dukes, ferraris, despampanates women, and 40 million jerks looking to see if we have a joy in a country devastated by the flu K. There is something wrong, and do not know how the people manejarlo.Igual rises at dawn to work and generate wealth for the few to drink from the cup full. Boys have 18% of human poverty in Argentina, football is part of the circus, 600 sticks so we can all watch football free technical Maradona futbolero mess, the field at the edge of the abyss, but we are desperate to see if we Sudrafrica 2010. As a friend is part of the show, sorry it's a show of horror and lies. God save us or not, eye serving in Buenos Aires, inside we are at the mercy of God,
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