We have expressed in previous articles that the phenomenon of inflation is not produced by the grace of the Holy Spirit, or by osmosis, or by weather, but by the concrete action of men who represent the interests of industry and in many cases the goal is to protect that interest timely sector and in others the aim may be, as evidenced by the facts that have happened in recent times, deliberately undermine a government, when certain policies are the opposite of what they want those power sectors. The traumatic events that we experienced in our country as a result of inflation, we have wasted ingenuity to keep believing that there's no charge, and prices up alone, like one who throws a balloon into the air and nobody can stop it.
is hard to believe that when a particular decide to sell your home, car or other property, appears from nowhere, a poster is provided, both its value as forms of payment, even so hard to believe that the price of potatoes, meat, a passage to the coast or a lease, is the product of Divine Providence and the decision not interested in someone who wants to make a profit. Supposedly there is a calculation of costs and risks that exist in every enterprise and / or activity is carried out, which is understandable. What is not understood, that never say, is what those costs and if they are related to the prices they charge to the public.
In the past we said that inflation was a result of excessive ticketing, or lack of production, or because it increased the dollar, and oil. Today there are none of these factors, yet prices rise disproportionately, resulting in a significant loss in the purchasing power of wage sector. It is time, then, to say clearly that inflation is generated by some unscrupulous employers dominant position in the market that are leading oil companies, automakers, flour, soy pools, soft drinks, meats, etc., And the own state with its anachronistic tax policy, which dates back to the neo, is opposed to the equitable distribution model that attempts to apply, in addition to the absence of effective regulations to prevent this festival speculative. We must also say that we as consumers must demand and strongly denouncing the Consumer Ombudsman, or where appropriate, increases when abusive in any consumer product. So here, all stakeholders share responsibility in the matter of inflation, whether by action or omission, but needless to say, that the greatest responsibility lies with the dominant group prevail especially in the food market, and have arbitrarily decided that the board of the Argentine is now one of the most expensive in the world, when it should be the opposite, since we are a major food producing countries.
We must say that both the food production sector and the industrial sector have never supported a political project of emancipation from world markets, nor have they ever allowed genuine economic development, healthy and strong including all productive sectors in profit sharing and that gives the country a sustainable economic model, rather than an anabolic model, ie inflated product growth based on speculation and not actual production. By contrast, boycott every attempt is made to that effect and participate fully in each event is generated destabilizing to weaken the government.
This is an election year, so hopefully that will produce some significant events that aim to damage the effective governance, although we know that as always the hardest hit sector is the thickness of the worker and the subject of inflation will be without doubt one of the strongest weapons they will use to achieve their purposes. Therefore we must be careful and not get carried away by this kind of maneuvers that many of us know well. On the other hand the Government must be more energetic in the relevant controls and create legal instruments that allow citizens to join him in this task, so that their claims are more effective, and who raise prices arbitrarily, be punished accordingly and does not enjoy impunity we see today. Martin J.
February 2011.
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