Hi! I had been taking advantage of a few rolls, I made a while ago a rich bread pudding.
This pudding is a dessert that you can do it at any time, because it has ingredients that we almost always at home.
Here is the recipe: Pan
, ½ Kilo
Milk, ½ pint
Sugar 300 g (half for the candy and the other for preparation)
Egg Cream 6, 100 g. Lemon 1
vanilla extract to taste!
Blocks: In a warm pudding basin 150 g. sugar until it holds (the darker the caramel will be more bitter, eye). Remove crust and cut bread into cubes.
Heat the milk and remaining sugar and vanilla essence (I like to add a cinnamon stick as well.)
Add warm milk and lemon zest, cut the bread. Blend everything.
Whip up some eggs and cream. Add eggs to mezcla de pan y leche.
Poner todo la preparación en el molde acaramelado. Cocinar en horno mediano, a baño maría, durante 1 hora aprox (si se cocina mucho, se endurece.. atenti..)
Cuando esté tibio hay que desmoldar (si se hace en caliente se desarma y frío
no sale).
Pueden acompañar con bochas de crema chantilly.. Y A DISFRUTAR!!!!
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