The cycle continues Wednesday 20 with an exponent of film noir, Women's Table , police in the line of best Hitchcock .
The functions are carried out each Wednesday in April at 21pm the Auditorium of the Casa de las Culturas . Admission is free and open .
To receive updated information , be reported to 03722 452941, or decea.chaco @ gmail.com . Also available on www.deceachaco.blogspot.com or Follow us on facebook, DCEA Chaco user.
April 20 : The Woman in the Window, 1944, 99 ', black Film / Thriller.
Wanley Professor and his friends start to become obsessed with the portrait of a beautiful girl, displayed in the window next to the club where they meet. Wanley meets the woman of the portrait and agrees to go to his apartment. But something unexpected will happen there. One of the last classic of the golden era of black American cinema, a genre that gave his best films in the Thirties and the end of the Second World War.
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