From April the Cycle Analysis DCEA Film moves to Auditorium House Cultures , Mitre and Marcelo T. de Alvear. The cycle will be dedicated to German director Fritz Lang , a revolutionary from the legendary Metropolis, traveled genres as diverse as the black cinema, science fiction and western.
The cycle continues Wednesday, April 13 with M, the Vampire of Düsseldorf (1931) , a classic of black cinema that foreshadows the horror of Nazism.
The functions are carried out each Wednesday in April at 21pm the Auditorium of the Casa de las Culturas . Admission is free and open .
To receive updated information , communicate to 03722 15369791, or decea.chaco @ gmail.com . Also available on www.deceachaco.blogspot.com or Follow us on facebook, DCEA Chaco user.
April 6: Metropolis (1927)
April 13: M, the Vampire of Düsseldorf (1931)
April 20 The Woman in the Window (1944)
April 27: While the City Sleeps (1956)
April 13 : M, the Vampire of Düsseldorf (1931) , 111 ', Film black / Drama.
girls A murderer has terrified the whole city. The police frantically and desperately looking for, arresting anyone suspect. For its part, the leaders of the mob, angered by the raids that are suffering at the hands of the murderer, decide to find themselves. Lang masterpiece considered by him same as his most accomplished movie.
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