Monday, April 25, 2011

Fisrt Movie Of Monica Roccaforte


cycle Closes April the Film Cycle Analysis of DCEA moves to Auditorium House Cultures , Mitre and Marcelo T. de Alvear. The cycle will be dedicated to German director Fritz Lang , a revolutionary from the legendary Metropolis, traveled genres as diverse as the black cinema, science fiction and western.

closed cycle Wednesday, April 27 with While New York Sleeps (1956) , which black cinema releases and a classic Hollywood Essential 50. It was filmed in just weeks, using a sleek black and white photograph in panoramic system "Superscope".

functions be held every Wednesday from April at 21pm the Auditorium of the House of Cultures . Admission is free and open .

To receive updated information , communicate to 03722 15369791 or decea.chaco @ . Also available on or Follow us on facebook, DCEA Chaco user.

April 27: As New City Sleeps, 1956, 99 ', black Film / Thriller.
While the City Sleeps, the journalists of writing work in the Sentinel newspaper closed. In the aisles and between tables chewed intrigues and tripping to get the succession of the director. Also during the night, sailing a murderer who is devoted to kill young women. After each murder, the police leave messages written in the mirror of the victims, with lipstick. In the newspaper, there is a real competition: the first that achieves the news of the capture of the notorious murderer "lipstick" will have everything to gain. An editor without ambition, love with a secretary, manages to convince her to make bait for the murderer, police surveillance. One of the most exuberant movies, comprehensive and incisive Lang.


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