The Monday 11, at 21, April continues the cycle dedicated to films that offer cross between cinema and music, organized by the Cineclub Resistance of Management Cinema and Audiovisual Space (DCEA) the Chaco Culture Institute . On that occasion will be screened The Wall , Alan Parker at the headquarters of the DCEA-Wilde 40 -, with free admission. For a current schedule write decea.chaco @ gmail.com or you can continue to Facebook user Cineclub Resistance.
The Wall is a British film of the year, 1982 directed by British director Alan Parker and based on the album Pink Floyd The Wall . The screenplay was written by vocalist and bassist of Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, containing highly metaphorical and rich in symbolism and sound.
The film contains 15 minutes of elaborate sequences animation created by the illustrator Gerald Scarfe, part of which describes a nightmare scenario based on a German air raid on England during World War II. Also there are references to the wife of the protagonist and his life in general.
In a movie-musical operation than ever before, the disc for the movie, a unique film that the script and dialogues were the same as contained the work of legendary progressive rock group Pink Floyd. The best: his expressive drawings and animation.
CineClub RESISTANCE: SPACE Autoconvocados CiNEFiLE
Resistance Cinema Club works since 2009 on Monday night, and is made autoconvocados moviegoers who share a love for film and want to decide autonomously what movies they want to see, share and discuss. All interested persons in joining the group can do so by going to the projections.
Programming is broad and eclectic, running as an alternative exhibition space. Performances are always free, and feature a presentation by members of Cineclub.
For the film club have gone in cycles dedicated to Truffaut, Tarantino, Film Animation, Japanese Cinema, Cycle Couples, Comedy Classics, Zombies, Literary Adaptations , among others. While this year, and there have been two cycles: one from director Stanley Kubrick in February, and another movie that inquired about Latin American dictatorships called Cycle Month Report.
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